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General Questions

Club DVD Info & Questions
Leif Pederquist

As a new member and my first meeting attended (July) I am curious on how to access the club DVDs.

I am going to look through the documents/downloads too in order to get some more info and resources. I am new to turning (18 months), so still learning daily.

Are there ever any workshops or gatherings to work together, observe, etc.? Thanks to those that shared info with me at the Saturday wood sale & July meeting. Would love to hear any names to check out as "Good" YouTube sources to watch.

Paul Jackson

Hi Leif, the club DVDs are on a shelf in my shop. The list is in the "Documents" section of the website under "DVD Library"

If any titles sound interesting, send me an email and I'll bring them to the next meeting, or figure out a way to get them to you. The fee is $1 per DVD.

On the "Resources" page of the website under "How To..." there's a link to Stuart Batty's videos. I found these to be a great help, especially for bowl turning.

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